Welcome to PearlSuccess

Pearl Success Overseas Employment Agency
Welcome to Pearl Success Agency Company Limited in Myanmar. Our agency is manpower recruitment agency and licensed under Ministry of Labour of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.Our professional activities and strategic principles of recruitment is mainly to supply Myanmar workers, in search of Skilled workers, Semi-Skilled Workers, General Workers, Training Workers, Technicians and Other Professionals to Asia-Countries (Thailand,Malaysia,Singapore and Japan) and other countries.
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Thailand Jobs
Pearl success agency have been delivered the transfer workers approximately 1,000 per year since 2015.

Malaysia Jobs
Pearl success agency have been delivered the transfer workers approximately 500 per year since 2015.

Singapore Jobs
Pearl success agency have been delivered the transfer workers approximately 50 per year since 2015.

Japan Jobs
Pearl success agency have been delivered the transfer workers approximately 50 per year since 2015.